Meet Your Esthetician



Hi everyone! I am Allie Lasch, licensed esthetician and owner of Lasch Esthetics. I grew up in Colorado Springs and married my best friend, Brandon, in 2015. We have a black lab-golden retriever and tabby cat that I talk way to much about. I love traveling and spending lots of time in the mountains. My newest adventure with Brandon has been fly fishing. We hope to grow our family in the near future and pass down our love for the great outdoors.

At an early age I knew my goal in life was to help others. I started off teaching gymnastics to young children and loved every minute of it. In college I was pursuing a degree in nursing when I realized it just wasn’t my calling. In 2014 I started school at The International Salon and Spa Academy in Colorado Springs. I soon fell in love with helping people feel good about themselves. After graduating I spent a year working at a well know waxing center. In 2016 I jumped head first opening Lasch Esthetics, and it’s been the best decision I could have made.